We teach you how to teach others.

Because we can all learn from one another.

We know the importance of your potential.

The easiest thing to do for an HR person when things don’t go as expected in terms of available workforce, legislation, lack of skills or interest of employees, would be delegate their personal accountability to blaming the government, the country’s socio-economical context, other employers for not doing the right thing, people’s mentality, the geographical region and even the anthropological standpoint for the generic lack of properly trained human resources.

The hardest thing to do, yet sustainable and aligned with the mission of an HR person, would be to do something about it. To address the matter. To become accountable. To be practical.

Refusing contracts because of unskilled people is not an option. We can’t possibly expect to level down to the unspecialized employees that society brings along.

“Be the change you want to see in the world” is not just a beautiful quote, it is also a whole universe open to all those who can see it.

This change, in terms of the working environment, can take the shape of dual education and could be at everybody’s hand, if there is will.

Dual education is, in a nutshell, the sustainable involvement of employers in the lives of their current and future employees by setting a frame of practical training, scholarships, learning by doing, safety in terms of future employment opportunities and most of all, a great solution for the whole working sector because it secures continuity of craftsmanship.

Dual education is at the crossroads between entrepreneurial mind-sets, practical teams, visionary CEOs and sustainable employers. And it is not at all an easy thing to manage. But we all know that no exceptional output was ever born from easy-to-do inputs.

And we, as HR people who want to grow minds, souls, community and environments, take pride in being a great partner in constantly developing the dual education in Romania.

Because we value people. For real.

Companies within the program

So far, along with the Austrian Commercial School from Romania and under the name of o’SCAR we have made miracles for the students from Costin Kiritescu Economic College and for the organizational culture of C&A, Carrefour, Deichmann, Hervis, HUMANIC, Kika and Telekom. O’SCAR opened its doors in 2015 and at the end of the three years trainings it gives a professional certificate valid throughout Europe. It is also a golden mine for the beholders as it pushes them at the frontline of recruiters.

Law on Dual Education

Believe it or not, regardless of the treasure it is for the companies, for people and for the economy as a whole, dual education is still very young in Romania.

Only in 29.032017 was an official law passed with regards to the Methodology for the organization and functioning of dual education.

In addition to the definition of the Dual Education as such, this Methodology also refers to the requirements to be met by the organization adopting the system, the models of contracts to be signed by the stakeholders involved, the rights and obligations of the parties, the methodological aspects, the qualification levels (3,4 and 5), the content of dual education training and the evaluation and certification of learning outcomes.


We have been involved in several successful campaigns so far and plan to make history ever further. You must have heard about us and, if not, you will soon.